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HiChina is one of the most companies that survive on credit and reputation. With 43% of new customers come to us by friend referral, we received many awards from government and industry authorities.

HiChina was the first in the industry that adopted ISO9001:2000 quality assurance ...

Your present location:Home - - Grease
Halo-Guard FG series of food grade grease

1. first true universal whole plant food factory grease; 

2.calcium sulfonate complex grease enhanced super performance; 
3. heavy-duty, extreme pressure, load test firing of 6,000 or more; 
4. anti-corrosion, rust, water; 
5 .temperature, drop point above 300 degrees Celsius; 
6. can meet food shop, the demand for pharmaceutical plant vast majority of cases, the real reduction in management costs grease; 
7. market validation, which is similar to the composition of the product in the most cost grease; 
8. food-grade grease in real superstar; 
9. with sticks, bottled large supply;
